



多年来, 我丈夫和我养育并收养了14个孩子——他们都有特殊需要,我们都全心全意地爱着他们. Our first child was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, 我们从一开始就知道,会有很多事情我们无法控制,我们需要寻求专业帮助.

I’ve come to realize that even though our family is certainly unique, every family is facing their own special set of circumstances that often requires outside help. 我们每个人都有自己的故事!


Before being referred to 太阳城娱乐, we spent some time at another agency. 然而,这并不是一次愉快的经历. Aside from not getting the needed treatment, the environment was also unsatisfactory. 从破损的玩具到缺乏清洁, it wasn’t long before we decided to seek out somewhere else that could help us and our daughter.

Coming to CCGC 14 years ago was the best decision we could have made. Right from the beginning, we were made to feel comfortable there. Tina, the receptionist, was so welcoming and the waiting room was inviting and soothing. And while we were there for our daughter, our other children were treated so well by the staff. At CCGC, you are a person first, not just someone who has a child with mental health issues.

多年来, as we have continued using CCGC’s services for our other children, 我们一直很高兴我们被当作一个真正的家庭对待. Many places will refer to our children as our “adopted son” or “foster daughter.“但在CCGC,我们被视为其他家庭.


我们家非常幸运地得到了太阳城官网服务. 我们的五个孩子(现在是三个孙子)得到了临床医生的特别照顾,我们惊讶于他们是如此的平易近人. 即使我们打电话, 在半夜发邮件或短信, 我们肯定会在第二天早上收到某种形式的跟进——即使只是问我们是否都没事.

They think outside of the box and are constantly researching innovative new ways to treat each child. At one point, our son stopped eating and we didn’t know what to do. Our clinician, at the time, took it upon herself to find recipes that he would find interesting. And she continued to connect with and treat him in a way that has worked specifically for his needs.

有一件事我可以肯定的是 the staff really cares about us and everything is customized for each child. They think about long-term goals and make sure that families stay connected even after they leave. 太阳城娱乐的学生还受益于个人关注和小班教学,这两者都有助于他们在课堂内外.

几年前, 我被邀请作为家长代表加入CCGC董事会,我欣然接受了这个机会,成为该机构未来的一部分. Since then, I have seen the need for mental health services drastically increase. 同时, the State of Connecticut has pulled substantial funding away from health and human service programs, 并继续威胁说还会有更多的削减. 在这个充满不确定性的时代, it’s so important to ensure that CCGC has the means necessary to remain the smaller, 社区主导型, 60年来一直是家庭友好型机构.


作为一个社区, 我们需要团结起来,消除家庭为子女寻求心理健康服务的障碍. 与 你的支持, CCGC可以继续提供创新的临床资源和必要的教育工具,为那些害怕和挣扎着过“正常”生活的孩子创造一个不同的世界.

请做一个 今天网上送礼...and help the other families at CCGC who are struggling with mental illness!




P.S. -你知道吗,CCGC已经支持儿童和他们的家庭60年了,并改变了大哈特福德地区数千人的生活? 用……来庆祝这个特别的纪念日 今天的礼物! 太阳城官网!!